Nixies displays came back into fashion around 15 years ago. They are very interesting for specific needs, because they have an extremely high refresh rate and a long life, and are very warm. My "Grand-Mother board", in tribute to my late grandmother, allows you now to choose between already 3 existing types of whole displays : 1) time 2) alarm clock 3) temperature, but the different types of display's construction are infinite; I am ready to develop a custom display for you. The displays which display time can also count from 1 to 9999, or display a random characters sequence, but I may extend the programm as wide as your imagination is. The Grand-Mother board has 5 sockets which accept 5 small Nixie digit boards plugged on itself and called "Mother boards", in tribute to my living Mother. Mother boards accepts many different Nixie digits to be soldered on itself up to 11 cathodes, e.g. with 0 to 9 digits and the point, with scientific units or with weird characters, etc. Each 5 Nixie mother boards provide an independant RGB backlight. The grand-mother board can send repetitive data (temperature, 400 [VAC] 3 phase presence, the state of a contact, etc.) via COM port over LAN with a Moxa MiiNePort E1. My creation is, unlike other Nixies displays, very smart, beeing based on 1 Microchip PIC18F46K22 as the I2C master discussing with 5 Microchip PIC18F46K22 as the I2C slaves 64 [MHz] microcontrollers programmed with my own powerful C language firmware environment compiled by the old Microchip C18 V3.47 PRO. Pay attention to this board, they are locations where there is the 180 [VDC] dangerous voltage, but with small non mortal 25 [mA] maximum available current. I touched once the 180 [VDC], I understood the lesson! There is 4 metallic holes for M3 spacers on the board. If you becomes my customer, you will be able to tell me what should be displayed on your Nixies 5 digits display, and which functions the Grand-Mother board should provide.

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Type of display: *
With Moxa Miineport E1 COM over LAN ?: *

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Power and data interface
Fixmebus voltage
24 [Vdc] +1/-10 [Vdc]
Fixmebus hardware protocol
RS485 half-duplex
Maximum number of Nixie digits
1x I2C master microcontroller
Microchip PIC18F46K22 8 [bits] 64 [MHz]
5x I2C slaves microcontrollers
Microchip PIC18F46K22 8 [bits] 64 [MHz]
Temperature sensor
TSIC306 with 0,1 [°K] precision from IST
Temperature sensor's protocol
Zacwire PWM signal
Temperature displaying's range
– 49.9 to +99.9 [°C] unchecked
Operating temperature
– 50 to +100 [°C] unchecked
Storage temperature
– 50 to +100 [°C] unchecked
Nixie's anode's grid's voltage
180 [Vdc]
Nixie's digit's current
2,65 [mA]
Maximum 5 digits Nixies current
15 [mA]
Max. 180 [Vdc] pow. supply current
25 [mA]
For main the Fixmebus link
UART 2 multiplexing
Yes, many different UART sources available
COM over LAN Moxa Miineport E1
Yes, optional
Bus voltage 16 bits reading
Bus bidir. current 16 bits reading
RGB Piezzo push-button interface
Contact inputs
Yes, 4x optocoupled contact inputs
Multi GPIO pads
Prototype zone