Number of triac channels
Triac's driving
ESP32 or manual with potentiometer each channel
AC voltage
100 to 240 [VAC]
AC maximum current
13 [A] fused or less
Total maximum output
3 [kW]
BTA16-600BRG 600 [VDC] 16 [A]
MOC3021 without zero-crossing
Auxiliary power supplies
12, 5, 3,3 [VDC] power supplies and 2,500 [VDC] voltage reference
ESP32 programming
USB-C link
Microchip multitask real-time interrupable 64 [MHz] PIC18F46K22 8 [Bits]
Microcontroller's functions
Manual mode, UART 3V3 and RS485 connectivity
Fixmebus interface
On demand
Triac schematics
Joël Huser Électronics secret
Zero-crossing schematics
Joël Huser Électronics secret
Operating temperature
– 40 to +85 [°C]
Storage temperature
– 40 to +85 [°C]
Temperature sensing
– 49,9 to +99,9 [°C]
Temperature sensor
TSIC306 with 0,1 [°K] precision from IST
Temperature sensor's protocol
Zacwire PWM signal